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SELECT * FROM `ygp_movielink` where mid='54854' and `doubanmovdataupdatetime` > '1725616461' ORDER BY id DESC limit 1
UPDATE `ygp_movielink` SET `doubanmovdataupdatetime` = '1726826061' WHERE `mid` =54854 ;
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冰上遇险 (豆瓣)
updatetime = pubtimeupdate `ygp_movie` set cname = '冰上遇险',ename = '冰上遇险',mtype = 'Movie',episode = '',othername = '',lang = '普通话/国语',duration = '14分钟',`mpicurl` = 'https://img1.doubanio.com/view/photo/s_ratio_poster/public/p2649085250.jpg',`movie_type` = '动画,短片',`country` = '中国大陆',`summary` = '小红鸭和小灰鸭结伴去参加森林滑雪大赛的路上,看到小熊、小兔等伙伴在湖上滑冰,因为比赛时间还早,它们决定先去瞧瞧。原来大伙在教小熊滑冰。 那边,滑雪比赛进行得正酣,小红鸭虽因救不小心困于雪中的小灰鸭落了后,但对自己取得好成绩依旧有信心;这边,小熊在大伙的帮助下,进步很快。后来,小兔为大伙表演花样滑冰,大伙正为它的精彩表演拍手叫好时,它一不留神踏破了冰落入水中,小松鼠和小獾慌忙想办法救它上岸,没成功。小熊也想帮忙,小獾怕不会游泳的它自己出事,让它快去找小鸭帮忙。小红鸭眼看要拿到滑雪比赛的冠军,听到小熊的救命呼喊时,掉头去看发生了什么事。',`pubtime` = '283968000',`showpub` = '1979',`casts` = '',`directors` = '邬强|www.douban.com',`writers` = '冰子|',`updatetime` = '0',`dbrate` = '7.8',`imdb` = '' where id = '54854'
> 1 year/movie/54854Array ( [0] => 更新完成冰上遇险 [1] => yingshiguang - editmoviedata [2] => 耗时2 )