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SELECT * FROM `ygp_movielink` where mid='77043' and `doubanmovdataupdatetime` > '1739004359' ORDER BY id DESC limit 1
UPDATE `ygp_movielink` SET `doubanmovdataupdatetime` = '1740213959' WHERE `mid` =77043 ;
Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in /www/wwwroot/yingshiguang.com/tmpl/getdata/editmoviedata.php on line 51
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夜访吸血鬼 第三季 (豆瓣)
updatetime != pubtimeupdate `ygp_movie` set cname = '夜访吸血鬼 第三季',ename = 'Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire Season 3',mtype = 'Movie',episode = '',othername = 'Interview with the Vampire',lang = '英语',duration = '',`mpicurl` = 'https://img9.doubanio.com/view/photo/s_ratio_poster/public/p2915141216.jpg',`movie_type` = '剧情,爱情,恐怖,奇幻',`country` = '美国',`summary` = '吸血鬼Lestat对垃圾畅销书《夜访吸血鬼》中敷衍了事的描写十分愤恨,他决定组建乐队、开启巡演,用这种只有吸血鬼Lestat才能做到的方式来讲清楚自己的故事。Gabrielle、Nicholas、Magnus、Marius,那些必须被保留的人。他们加入Louis、Armand、Molloy、Sam、Raglan、Fareed和其余我们暂时不能向你透露的人,共同开启一场跨越空间、时间和创伤的性感朝圣之旅。没有自动修音。没有触发预警。一切感觉都被放大。',`pubtime` = '1735660800',`showpub` = '2025(美国)',`casts` = '萨姆·里德|www.douban.com,雅各布·安德森|www.douban.com',`directors` = '',`writers` = '罗林·琼斯|www.douban.com',`updatetime` = '1722138003',`dbrate` = '',`imdb` = 'tt32769464' where id = '77043'
SELECT * FROM `ygp_movie` where id ='77043' and pubtime > '1709109961' limit 1 UPDATE `ygp_movie` SET `mpic` = '/files/mpic/202407/p77043.jpg?4601' WHERE `id` =77043 ;https://img9.doubanio.com/view/photo/s_ratio_poster/public/p2915141216.jpg
[0] => yingshiguang - savempic
[1] => 耗时0
[0] => 更新完成夜访吸血鬼 第三季
[1] => yingshiguang - editmoviedata
[2] => 耗时2