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Briar Patch 暴风骤雨电影海报

Briar Patch 暴风骤雨

类型:美国 / 剧情 / 爱情 / 惊悚
导演:Zev Berman     主演:多米尼克·斯万 / 亨瑞·托马斯 Henry Thomas / 阿里·维文
剧情:2003年的美国独立电影。 Briar Patch is a modern, Southern Gothic tale of true love and murder. It centers on In… (详细)




名称Briar Patch 暴风骤雨
类型剧情 / 爱情 / 惊悚
导演Zev Berman
主演多米尼克·斯万 / 亨瑞·托马斯 Henry Thomas / 阿里·维文


   Briar Patch is a modern, Southern Gothic tale of true love and murder. It centers on Inez Macbeth (Dominique Swain), a wisp of a girl just a shade over twenty, who may lack a formal education, but has already been taught plenty by life. She's at a dead end, married to Edgar (Henry Thomas), a petty thief who had his shot and missed long ago, but is too dense to realize it. She spends her days catering to Edgar's whims and fighting off lame advances from his taciturn partner in crime, Flowers (Arie Verveen). One day, Butcher Lee (Karen Allen), Inez's trusted friend and an amateur mystic of sorts, reveals a vision that Inez's One True Love is close by. Determined not to let this opportunity slip by, she vows to act on that information right away. Unknown to anyone, Inez has begun a secret tryst with Druden (James Urbaniak), a sweet-spirited, oddly-romantic, and wealthy young lawyer in town. With utter certainty that Druden is The One from Butcher's vision, Inez plans their escape to Richmond. Edgar gets wind Inez is up to something and blows his cool, beating her and making her a prisoner in their own home. These efforts lead Inez to concoct a desperate scheme involving murder, betrayal, and escape. In the ensuing chaos, Inez discovers the thorny side of true love and that finding one's soul mate is never quite what you'd expect.
