In this engrossing survival thriller set during the Japanese invasion of Singapore in 1942, a stranded Australian airman and a Chinese resistance fighter band together to fight their way out of a forbidding jungle wilderness.
类型:澳大利亚,新加坡 / 剧情
导演:Aaron Wilson
主演:Khan Chittenden / 莫子仪
剧情:In this engrossing survival thriller set during the Japanese invasion of Singapore in 1942, a stranded Australian ai… (详细)
名称 | 战栗丛林 |
原名 | Canopy |
国家/地区 | 澳大利亚,新加坡 |
类型 | 剧情 |
导演 | Aaron Wilson |
主演 | Khan Chittenden / 莫子仪 |
In this engrossing survival thriller set during the Japanese invasion of Singapore in 1942, a stranded Australian airman and a Chinese resistance fighter band together to fight their way out of a forbidding jungle wilderness.
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