In the picturesque Bavarian town of Oberammergau, two friends, Markus and Thomas, are using the instructions found in an old Jewish diary to gain access to a WW II underground military base formerly codenamed: CERUSIT.
类型:德国 / 恐怖
导演:Matthew O. Oaks
主演:Sarita Bradley / Patrick Jahns / Christian Jungwirth
剧情:In the picturesque Bavarian town of Oberammergau, two friends, Markus and Thomas, are using the instructions found … (详细)
名称 | 死亡地堡 |
原名 | Bunker of the Dead |
又名 | 亡命地堡 |
国家/地区 | 德国 |
类型 | 恐怖 |
导演 | Matthew O. Oaks |
主演 | Sarita Bradley / Patrick Jahns / Christian Jungwirth |
In the picturesque Bavarian town of Oberammergau, two friends, Markus and Thomas, are using the instructions found in an old Jewish diary to gain access to a WW II underground military base formerly codenamed: CERUSIT.
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