Demons At Dawn follows a retired hitman who is blackmailed into taking one last job. During his mission, he uncovers an elite Satanic cult that use human sacrifice to summon Demons.
类型:英国 / 恐怖
导演:Randy Kent
主演:Dani Thompson / Amber Doig-Thorne / Bill Victor Arucan
剧情:Demons At Dawn follows a retired hitman who is blackmailed into taking one last job. During his mission, he uncovers… (详细)
名称 | 恶魔黎明 |
原名 | Demons at Dawn |
国家/地区 | 英国 |
类型 | 恐怖 |
上映 | 2022-10-28(英国) |
片长 | 80分钟 |
语言 | 英语 |
导演 | Randy Kent |
编剧 | Chris Sanders |
主演 | Dani Thompson / Amber Doig-Thorne / Bill Victor Arucan |
Demons At Dawn follows a retired hitman who is blackmailed into taking one last job. During his mission, he uncovers an elite Satanic cult that use human sacrifice to summon Demons.
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